Girl- Let’s Chat!

two women holding pen

Girl- Let’s Chat!

Okay, as spoken when we met in person last, I would love to connect many of you large church preacher’s wives, to small church wives and vice versa. Many small churches have families that have their own businesses and have different obligations than larger churches. Neither is more valuable than another! But knowing you purchase many items for your church, it’s celebrations, special gifts for promotion days or thank you gifts, and beautiful handmade gifts for your family, friends or self. So, instead of spending your money elsewhere, you have suggested purchasing products you already look for from another family in ministry. May this help serve that purpose!

***Bulk order accommodating up to 2500+ may be available if you ask the seller. *** I am just the advertising of the business link to provide ideas to accommodate your needs. Please note, you will need to private message the store listed and contact each other for your personal needs. Thank you!***

Women Helping Women in business is AMAZING! But it is a privilege to support another beautiful soul ministering to others selflessly! Thank you! Please share this page to get the word out!

Girl- Let’s Chat!

Hello Sweetheart,

I am so glad you have decided to meet with me today! I know, it is the internet. However, even if this post is somewhat vague (unless you know me well) and you may be many miles away, it is a way we can connect. So many of you I have met on this journey called life. Some of you, I have had the privilege to serve with you in some fashion in ministry. Others, we may have only me for a brief moment. I would like to remember you are thought of and prayed for. I do NOT believe we “run into” people on accident. There have been too many times the LORD has me late or delayed or “lost” for a greater purpose, HIS work. Nothing is accident.

So this page, is for you. Letters I can write to you that I may not be able to physically write because you travel, because life gets busy, and/or it’s easier to drop a line generally to always sit down one by one and write a note. (Although I do still do this time and again.) I cannot possibly mail 500 hand written letters a month. (Even if I desire to.)

Thank you for connecting, I cannot wait to see you in person again dear friend! ~Mrs. Kerry

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