
Thank you so much for your patience. This has been under construction for some time. Each of the updates are slowly unlocking the material. I appreciate your faithful support. Again, all the material here has been purchased and supplied for you. If at any time you would like to contribute to the expenses, feel free to donate at the top of the screen to make this available indefinitely. Be sure to subscribe to receive updates as they launch. (And feel free to check out the ad sponsors- which helps cover the current translation service fees. )Thank you!

grayscale photography of crying woman
Funeral Resources


Thank you for your patience as we move furniture around and rearrange for better navigation. If you have saved links, many of the links work, but just located in a new place. THANKS AGAIN for your understanding and support as we grow!

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Pexels.com

Pastor’s Wives

Odds are great you did not choose to be a pastor’s wife, but inherited the position when your husband took his first church. However, you may also have inherited a wide variety of jobs. This little nook is from one pastor’s wife to another. If there is something you are looking for, please feel free to email. If there is anyway we can assist one another on this journey and bear each others load, what a blessing!

Photo by Michael Morse on Pexels.com

All other things church

This is a spot for all other church items. From Bible reading schedules, children’s church printouts, coloring pages, craft ideas, vbs, programs, curriculum websites, etc.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Special Meetings, Event and Party Helps

All through life many special days come and go, here is a little stash of saved meetings, event planning helps, downloads, etc. to make things go a bit smoother with less stress. Enjoy!

Not all those who wander are lost.