Homeschooling While in the Ministry

Tuesday’s Teacher Corner: SPRING

Spring has spung and the peepers have been singing their songs for several weeks now, absolutely beautiful.

scenic view of the field during sunset

Our school window is filled with birds that have returned from migration and early blooms.

purple crocus flowers in bloom

With growing bug collections, started seeds for transplant, the sciences in school are bustling and need careful guidance to stay on task, but encourage independent interest exploration.

Wild crafted salves from tree buds and sap take a backseat, while delicious forest edibles slide into the front row. Nettles, mushrooms and fiddleheads are just a few favorites!

buckets on maple trunks in winter woodland

But spring also is busy in the pollinator departments too. Hives are active, stumps and even warm windowsills are bustling with life. A great place for a magnifying glass and curious child!

ladybug on dry trunk in nature

Don’t forget to grab a nature walk hunt or outdoor scavenger hunt sheet to keep ALL your students of various ages busy, active and constantly learning. Here is a young learner printable scavenger hunt worksheet to start you off.

Below is a free spring word search worksheet as well for your students. (2 pages to print- a search & an answer key).

***Be sure to check out the other word searches and hundreds (currently at 300 printable pages) of printable teacher resources (subscription holders) in the PORTFOLIO.***

How is spring showing up in your classroom? Are you counting seeds in your math center? Perhaps sorting shapes and colors of seeds? Or maybe flower petals and bees instead?

***The preschool Bee’s and Butterflies unit is now available as well under the preschool theme packs. They include the theme template with selected read-alouds, art/craft, fine motor skills, snacks and songs. Each pack is also designed one room schoolhouse style to add themed games for your math center and language/spelling area while your older students study and learn about the topic theme. Simply click on PORTFOLIO to access the page and files of which you choose, thank you for subscribing. Enjoy!***

However you decide to implement SPRING into your everyday learning, your students are bound to be excited to dive into all the spring entails. Thank you for teaching! Thank you for caring and making a difference in students’ lives, you are appreciated! Happy Spring!

P.S. A last-minute story template printable for circle time, or printout with paper for your student in this cute SPRING printable. (Image Cards)