
Christian Womanhood: A Heart for Souls

Christian Womanhood: A Heart for Souls

Christ’s last command was:

“…God ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

however, may I petition to say it should be our first?

D. L. Moody is known as the man who was concerned about the souls of others. Everywhere he went and anyone he encountered he would ask them if they were lost or saved. Even his very last sermon given in London at Camberwell Hall on July 11th, 1875 (Sunday Evening Service) was preaching about salvation. He spoke of a man he met, (speaking), “I don’t believe in sudden conversion. I do not believe what the preacher said tonight, that a man could com into the church as a sinner and leave as a Christian.”

D.L. Moody’s reply was, “I do not believe in any other conversion.” You will not find me quoting a many marvelous preachers, but one thing D.L. Moody had right, was his love and devotion to seeing others get saved and come to know the Lord. He truly was burdened for souls.

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

(Proverbs 11:30)

Ladies, my question to you today is: “Are we truly burdened for lost souls?”

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The King James Bible says,“…he that winneth souls is wise.” There is no greater compliment to a Christian lady that to call her a Godly and Righteous Woman. You may here it being referred to as: A Virtuous Woman, A Proverbs 31 Woman, A Titus 2 Woman, or A Woman Seeking After God’s Heart. All of these “titles” are referring to a Godly woman whom has labored and trusted in God’s wisdom and obedience, all to her Lord and Savior.

Many will serve, but not all will be fruitful. Why is that? A Christian life is so much more than the everyday motions.

More than Christian activities.

More than looking the part.

A relationship that is full and growing is work. It’s a choice of our efforts aligned with the Holy Spirit working within by God’s power. It’s truly having a relationship that works from within towards our outward actions. When our heart and lives are in tune with Christ, there are things we know we can do for Christ and that Christ would have us to do. Soul winning and telling others of Christ is one of those things.

“He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love.” 1 John 4:8

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Ladies, when we see others as Christ would see them, we will see their need.

A need for a savior.

A need for true love.

A need for a faithful friend.

Relationships can take time. If we are walking closely with the Lord, Christ will shine in all we do.

For those of whom we simply witness to, to be that beacon; we are speaking volumes. Sometimes by how we dress, how we talk, our countenance, and sometimes even our first impressions. Lighthouses are known for shining and guiding, not arguing our points and blowing horns like the icebreakers.

In the New Testament of our KJV Bible, 85% of the people that Jesus healed, had their needs met through a friend. Either friends brought them to Christ or petitioned Christ to go to them. I truly love this view by Dr. Chapman. How much better can a friend be, than to be compassionate and see their friends true need for Christ?

Many of you reading this are good friends to myself, my family or dear ladies of the ministry. I truly care for your life and journey serving Christ! Yet, I hope this stirs your soul. We can make a difference! If each of us reaches one soul for Christ this year, what a change we can make in this world. One soul ladies, amazing love!

Our churches (not denominational- but people claiming to be Christians) in the united states are declining by 2% annually, or over 13% the last decade. Yet, the population of the USA has increased by roughly 19.5 million people. Generations are depending on us.

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Ladies, at least one person in the world is looking for the answers you have, share it! Time and time again, the Lord aligns timing and circumstances to the surrendered servant. HE is so good!

“And of some have compassion, making a difference.” Jude 22

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Being concerned for souls is compassionately bringing the lost to Christ. His abundant forgiveness, and love is for all!

“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
(1 John 1:8-9)

Let us be obedient to HIM. And truly love people, by bringing them living water and a power, God’s power; His saving grace. Let us be a witness. Ladies, let’s win souls to Jesus! And Lord, give us a heart for souls!

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“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

John 13:35

As you pray for those that need Christ, whom would God have you to witness to? Do you have a time set aside in your church to tell others of Christ? Is there a friend or loved God has put on your heart to talk to? We love and care deeply for physical and mental needs (don’t stop), but let us also be deeply concerned with spiritual needs to those who we cross paths and share life with as well.

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Happy Serving! God is GOOD!!!