Be A Blessing · God in the Daily

Girl Talk

two cups of brown coffee on top of brown tray

Girl Talk

How are your days going? How is your walk with the Savior? Are you drawing closer to HIM now, than ever before? What is working in your walk with God? What can be tweaked for better results throughout your days?

Everyday gets sweeter than the day before, when we walk with God! Each time we fellowship, read God’s Word of Truth, and meditate in HIS promises throughout the day; we find sweet peace and comfort rays shining through our life pointing others to Christ. It is beautiful. After walking with the LORD awhile, it is easy to look back into different seasons of our lives, and see where the LORD was drawing midst the busy seasons of life. HIS close fellowship carried us through some of the most difficult seasons in life. However, within other seasons there were so many distractions, things had to be tweaked a bit to keep clarity. (If that makes sense at all.)

When walking closely with God, we can often take a glimpse back and see HIS beautiful handiwork. At times, when the things of this world were piling into my lap and shoving their way into our lives and home; God was busy too. Holding us, clenching us, and quickly revealing a personal solution to a prayer that needed immediate resolution. But for the grace of God, my life could be different.

If a foundation is not laid, how does the building stand? Oh, it may for awhile, but that great trial or tribulation will devastate. Destruction and rubble will remain. I love how HE works so beautifully midst every season in our life, if we will just trust HIM. I am reminded of how important it is to draw near to God. And that HE does the drawing of us, but we have to do our part too. So many things can distract us from truly spending quality time with God, and gleaning HIS word. Satan loves that. However, it just rings louder and louder, the beautiful song created by a life of devotion to God and HIS Will! So friend, how is your walk with the Lord? Is there anything that helps? Anything that hinders? Different seasons may require creativity to aid when you are feeling fatigued or “busy”.

A great way to spend time in the LORD, is to spend time with the LORD first thing in the morning. It has looked different amongst the seasons in life. From getting up and journal /read/prayer then heading off to work. Meditating and praising the Lord on the way, to a new season as a homemaker. Often getting up, then study and multitask by doing prayer in the shower or while I was preparing breakfast for the kids. Leaving a specific Bible study in the evening when the house was quiet and everyone was in bed. In more recent years, the ability to do everything first thing in the morning before everyone wakes has been such a blessing.

How ever you spend time with the LORD, just 1) pick something that works for you, and schedule it. Read and Pray with God. After all, you would not want to miss your job or flunk your class, why give such priority to the things of this world, but not God, right? 2) Make a “spot” to do this. My favorite place on the farm, the garden. During the summer months you could find me early in the morning under a screen tent with a cup of hot blueberry green tea and my Bible. In the cooler months, in front of the wood stove. Sweet memories. Many answered prayers.

But, other times it was a little nook in the corner of a closet with my prayers pinned up and pictures of missionary wives I committed to praying for that year. Then, just faithfully show up each day. This is NOT to boast of me at all, this is just to give ideas outside the box that work. Yes, we can pray anywhere at anytime- THANK THE LORD! But as a homemaker, it is such a blessing to find a way to balance our time and manage our home effectively. For myself, this included my spiritual life. Overall though, find sometime and a special place that works for you. 3) Keep distractions down. The main reason for choosing a time and place, was to reduce as many distractions as possible. It is hard to spend an hour straight with the LORD when task lists begin, you are tending to chores and/or at work. So, try to keep the distractions at bay. Lastly, 4) do not be afraid to change your routine up if something seems off or mundane. Routine is great, until it isn’t. If you find yourself repetitively in prayer and falling asleep, change it up. Focus on a specific study and/or add some music.

selective focus photography of brown schwartzmann piano

Be sure to check out the Sunday Songs, each week a new song is added that is a great addition to preparing for your time with the LORD. Adding Godly music before your time with Him may help your day begin better. Or, throughout the day, to hit a quick reset of the mind to focus back on HIM, find a great song to learn for the week! Just as we are doing a meditation verse per day, we have added the song each week. Be sure to Check out these songs that are up online so far for each week:

For All He’s Done

Power of the Cross

It is Well

In Christ Alone

Jesus is All the World To Me

What A Friend We Have in Jesus

I Have Been Blessed

This is the Day of New Beginnings

Jesus is All the World to Me

Thank you for serving the Lord my friend. It is an encouragement from afar to see many faithfully serving away to our sweet and precious LORD! HE is good!

P.S. But, I am knew here, how do you know Heaven is real? And how do I know for sure Heaven is my eternal home? –> READ MORE of Travel Down the Roman’s Road or Let Us Travel If you know you are saved, but are just not finding the motivation to really continually walk with HIM, perhaps you need to fall in LOVE with Him all over. Some people will often get this confused with being lost or unsaved, and make the reassurance of salvation. When really, they need to spend more time with Him as He works out truths within our lives.

3 thoughts on “Girl Talk

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