
Get Your Own EGGS! (Part 2 of 2)

Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com


Now that you are set on a size of chickens or maybe you even purchased your chicks already…

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels.com

you enjoy them and live happily ever after.  LOL.  Not really, like any critter a plan of action is goods.  You may already have one; even better!  If not, this post is for you along with all the other chicken tenders, LOL, I mean chicken farmers.  Egg laying hens need a place to lay those precious jewels.

Tarter farm offers this downloadable chicken house plan.

You can download this free plan from Purina by clicking here.

Here is a gambler style coop that is sufficient and could hold enough hens for a family in town.  Check it out.

Here’s a tractor by the Kycklingars.

The Cluckingham Palace Coop.  A great portable chicken tractor.

COCO Channel Castle has a beautiful coop.

Mini Coop

Hopefully these were a help to you.  Here is a link for over one hundred plans and/or layouts.  Best wishes to you.  If you have a favorite, feel free to share with a link.

2 thoughts on “Get Your Own EGGS! (Part 2 of 2)

  1. Pingback: You are beautiful!

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